Profile of U.S. Congressman Gabrielle Giffords

Gabrielle Giffords, was first elected to Congress in the wake of the Democratic victory in elections in 2006.

Gabrielle Giffords has just started a third term when he was shot in the head Saturday.

Giffords, 40 years old, thin victory over candidates supported community organizations Tea Party in elections in November 2010.

In March last year, Giffords is one of several members of the Democratic Party in the U.S. Congress being subjected to harassment on the support of national health care reform. He reported a disturbance at his office following a vote on health reform in Congress in March.

Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected to Congress in the wake of the Democratic victory in elections in 2006.

Giffords rate himself as a moderate Democrat and member of the House Blue Dog coalition, a group of moderate Democrats and conservative whose influence disappeared following the defeat in the November elections.

While working in Congress, Giffords served on the Committees of Science and Technology and the Armed Forces.

He is a member of Congress and the Senate the state of Arizona before coming to Washington. Her husband, Mark Kelly, is an astronaut.

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