Explore the old church in indonesia

Explore the old church in Indonesia. Big fan of history will surely fall in love with the beauty of the older churches can be found in almost all regions in Indonesia. Some churches are typical European-style architecture. While other churches with the local culture.

In Jakarta, you can stop by the Church of Santa Maria De Fatima, the Church of Zion, and Church Cathedral. The first trip was the Church of Santa Maria De Fatima, located in the region Glodok. When first set foot in this church, you may think if you have the wrong road. Appearances Catholic church is more like a temple than a church in general. With a dominant red and Chinese characters, it's no wonder the Chinese feel very thick felt. The government has declared the church as a cultural heritage.

Once the church was the beginning was the home of Mr. Captain in 1700, a Chinese landlord surnamed Tjioe rich famous and powerful in Batavia. Missionary group from the Netherlands and then bought it in 1955. Furthermore, the function of the building was changed from home to church. Still not changed its original architecture and instead became the hallmark of the church.

A pair of stone lions or shi shi in front of the church to welcome visitors. Typical Chinese stone lions really trust the Chinese guards who symbolizes the spirit world. Another uniqueness is the number of Chinese writing that is commonly found in buildings such as the writings of Chinese yellow which means sustenance. The church is also known by the name Toasebio. Toasebio also seemed harmoniously side by side with the existing temples in the same region and the majority of Chinese who live in the vicinity. As if being voiced reconcile acculturation and liver tolerance.

Visit the next pilgrimage church is the Cathedral Church. Who does not know the magnificent church with two towers that rise? Located in downtown Jakarta, this building he was already more than 100 years. Moreover, the church was faced with the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, the Istiqlal Mosque. A symbol of that religion in Indonesia can live side by side.

Old age also indicates the long journey. This church was built in neo-gothic style. The neo-gothic style is widely used for Catholic churches in Europe, including in the Netherlands. High and large windows and soaring tower became a prominent characteristic for the Cathedral Church. Cathedral church established in 1901 but experienced a change over time. He was burned in 1826 and collapsed in 1890. Therefore, now is not the original form of the church at first.

The official name of this church is De Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrowe about Hemelopneming (Church of Santa Maria Appointed To Heaven). In the church there is a museum open to the public. Various means of worship and other spiritual things that he was already decades stored in the museum.

The journey continues to the Zion Church, located on the corner of Prince Jayakarta. Zion Church is the oldest church in Jakarta, which still stands today. The story about the blessing of the church as early inauguration of the Dutch-speaking church you can read on the walls of the church. Inauguration of the Church of Zion in the year 1695, so imagine he was already more than 300 years.

Zion Church was originally named Portugeesche Buitenkerk. Since the Dutch colonial period, this church is outside the walls of downtown Batavia. The congregation that period was De Mardijkers or the offspring of the Black Portuguese Portuguese Portuguese result of mixing with locals. Wall built colonial government was to implement policies Wijkstelsel. The policy to place people in a region based on ethnicity.

There are several other old churches in Jakarta who can you approached, such as Immanuel Church and the Church of Saint Therese. Meanwhile, there are many old church outside Jakarta that deserve your visit, such as Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Ganjuran Bantul, Yogyakarta and Saint Joseph Parish Catholic Church in Denpasar, Bali.

Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has a very unique architecture. Imagine Jesus the Christians in a Hindu temple. At that church, you will not find the figure of Jesus in general. Here, Jesus appears as the king of Java and was in the temple. This church is very thick acculturation among Hindu Javanese culture and Christianity. Family founder Schmutzer is the Dutch people was Catholic. This church was inaugurated in 1930.

Meanwhile, Saint Joseph Parish Catholic Church is the oldest Catholic church in Bali. At a glance, you'd think this church is the temple. The gate and the typical red brick temple building is deceptive. Look closely and you'll find a statue of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus that appears in front of the building. Some of the churches on the island of Bali which is famous Hindu majority loaded with acculturation. Even some of Bali's population are Christians put Penjor and sang hymns in the language of Bali during the celebration of Christmas.

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