Teena Marie Died

Teena Marie Died - R & B singer and songwriter Teena Marie, known for his singles hits during the 1980s "Lovergirl" and "Ooo La La La", died at the age of 54 years, at his home in Los Angeles, United States, on Sunday (26 / 12), according to media reports.

The cause of death is unknown, and women's spokesman declined to give comment.

His friend, drummer Sheila E., said on Twitter Teenar Marie has a history of heart attack.

Teena Marie, whose real name is Mary Brockert, during his lifetime was one of the white entertainer who carved the path of success among black American music.

Teena Marie, who is under the auspices of fungk singer Rick James, signed a deal with Motown Records in 1975 and launched his first album four years later. The album, which was mostly written by Rick James, making fans believe that the Teena Marie album were black because it does not display the image itself. Her duet with Rick James in "I` ma Sucker For You "was ranked 8th in the Black Singles chart Billboard.

"I always accepted by the black community and I think it's fun," said Teena Marie told Jet magazine in 2006.

He released 13 albums till album "conga Square" 2009. On the album she gave an award for jazz figures, such as Sarah Vaughn and Billie Holiday.

Teena Marie's career has soared since 2004, when he signed a deal with New Orleans rap trademarks and released his first album in a decade. "La Dona" debuted and perched at No. 6 Billboard 200, for the first time he had ever penetrated the top 20 songs. One song from that album "Still in Love" brought him to the Hot 100 singles chart for the first time since 1988.

Two of his album, "It Must Be Magic" 1981 and "Starchild", 1984, respectively to 500,000 units sold, according to the Recording Industry Association of America.

Teena Marie is survived by his daughter, Alia Rose.

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